“It is difficult to think of a major industry that AI will not transform. This includes healthcare, education, transportation, retail, communications, and agriculture. There are surprisingly clear paths for AI to make a big difference … Continue reading AI and TODAY→
Cricket fever in India is as high as ever and to raise the temperature further, the IPL has been announced which will start from the 19th of September, 2020. To increase the enthusiasm, FACE committee … Continue reading FACE IPL Auction→
The ITSA club of Sardar Patel Institute Of Technology organized a technical placements webinar on 6th September,2020. The panellists were SPIT alumni, Sarah Sonje, who is placed at Amazon, Shloka Sapru, who is placed at … Continue reading Webinar on Technical Placements by ITSA→
On 20th September 2020, the students of S.P.I.T witnessed a webinar on non-technical placements, delivered by the alumni of the college, which was organised by the ITSA committee. The webinar specifically focused on profile building … Continue reading Webinar on Non-Technical Placements by ITSA→
We are thrilled to present to you the annual magazine for the year 2019-20 The past year has been one of unprecedented change, of expecting the unexpected, and of new beginnings for each of us. … Continue reading SPark Magazine 2020→
Over the past few years, despite several awareness campaigns, mental health related illnesses continue to remain one of the most neglected issues in the world. Few of the many reasons for this include lack of … Continue reading Cognitive Behavioural Therapy→
Towards the end of the sundown, at 7pm on September 6, 2020 a Panel Discussion on Socio-Economic Projects by Enactus S.P.I.T. was conducted on the Google Meet platform. Enactus is an international non-profit organization that … Continue reading Enactus Panel Discussion→
On the evening of 5th September 2020, for the first time since its inception, S.P.I.T. had a Teacher’s Day celebration online. Instead of assembling in the institute’s conference room for an evening of fun and … Continue reading Teachers’ Day Celebration 2020→