Code Housie 2023

On 1st November 2023, second year students of S.P.I.T. competed in a coding challenge organized by CSI SPIT with a fun twist. It was code housie!

All participants participating either in pairs or on their own, were provided with a ticket. Each ticket had a problem number associated with a coding problem statement which they could access via the platform Hackerrank.

Even after a long college day, once everyone had their problem statements in hand, they had long forgotten about any fatigue from learning all day and were completely invested in cracking the code in hand, and cracking it first; For them, at that moment, breathing was secondary.

The participants had the liberty of selecting the programming language they wanted to use. They took their pick from Java, C, C++, Python. The competition was taking place in 5 rooms simultaneously. Although the event was mainly for second years, a few brave first years were also seen using their sharp minds for winning.

The committee members played a crucial role in ensuring there was no foul play involved by the usage of google or any A.I. tools.

There were a total of 5 prizes, 2 for solving the 1st row of questions, 2 for the second and 1 full housie with an exciting prize pool of Rs 5000.

Our Aspiring programmers had 2 hours to solve the codes at hand. After an hour, the struggle was visible on everyone’s faces as they realized the time crunch they were in. All were exhausted, but no one was ready to give up. The CSI members were there to hint them in the correct direction while coding in a very subtle manner.

Finally, after a few long hours, a eureka moment was seen as Shivani Bhat and Aditya Jadhav won full housie. It was definitely an intense competition. That day, winners were few but everyone learnt a lot.

The winners took home prizes and the participants took home an experience they would never forget and come to cherish.

– Report by Vanshi Gathani