Every year for the past few years, a general prerogative that is being floated around is that India is changing and the country that we live in today is ‘A New India’. But all that … Continue reading Literature and Society

Every year for the past few years, a general prerogative that is being floated around is that India is changing and the country that we live in today is ‘A New India’. But all that … Continue reading Literature and Society
Tbh, whether you’re 15, 25 or 45 there’s always going to be a couple of people who’ve always got some quirky counselling ventures to conduct with you. Unfortunately, it’s usually that ‘couple’ of people that you can’t ignore. … Continue reading How to avoid unnecessary life lessons from your Parents
Humans, in the past decade, have made advancements in the technology sector at a phenomenal rate and development of Artificial Intelligence has often been claimed as the “Future of technology”. Every new development comes as … Continue reading Artificial Intelligence Permeation into Real time