About CES- The Consumer Electronics Show is always the most awaited event of the year, not just for tech enthusiasts, but also for companies- both big and small, looking for a platform to introduce their … Continue reading The Consumer Electronics Show 2020→
Social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat have witnessed a massive increase in ‘influencer’ posts over the last few years. What are these influencer posts and who are influencers exactly? A social media influencer … Continue reading The Influencer Culture→
Smartphones have become an extension of human hands. Without them, no work of ours gets done. While smartphones have become necessities for a lot of people, there still are people, especially in developing countries, who … Continue reading KaiOS→
The world witnesses new campaigns very often. Some have positive impacts like the LGBTQ movement and steps against climate change, but some movements seem to reverse mankind’s advancement. One such movement is the Anti-Vaccine Movement. … Continue reading AYNTKA: The Anti-Vaccine Movement→
The internet witnesses something going viral every day, but the one event that caught the eye of meme-makers was definitely ‘Storm Area 51’. So what exactly is Area 51? Area 51 is a United States … Continue reading AYNTKA-Area 51→
How many of us come out of a movie feeling changed, motivated and determined? I’m sure most of us do. That is what filmmakers intend to do too. They want us to live the entire … Continue reading The Influence of Movies on Social Reform→