Have you ever seen that, whenever you open a chat message on WhatsApp, there is a short message that says – “Messages and Calls are end-to-end encrypted.” Do you ever wonder what that means and … Continue reading Cryptography – The Art of Encryption

3D Printing and Automobiles
Do you ever wonder how it would be if you had the liberty to design anything that you wanted to, with no limitations of any sort? Many people who have heard about 3D printing may … Continue reading 3D Printing and Automobiles

“It is difficult to think of a major industry that AI will not transform. This includes healthcare, education, transportation, retail, communications, and agriculture. There are surprisingly clear paths for AI to make a big difference … Continue reading AI and TODAY

The Consumer Electronics Show 2020
About CES- The Consumer Electronics Show is always the most awaited event of the year, not just for tech enthusiasts, but also for companies- both big and small, looking for a platform to introduce their … Continue reading The Consumer Electronics Show 2020

Smartphones have become an extension of human hands. Without them, no work of ours gets done. While smartphones have become necessities for a lot of people, there still are people, especially in developing countries, who … Continue reading KaiOS

The Big Tech and the Antitrust
The “Big Tech” wield a lot of power these days; they are some of the most valuable companies in the world but it’s easy to forget how quick and meteoric their rises have been. But … Continue reading The Big Tech and the Antitrust

The newest version of Android OS is finally here. Presenting to you, Android 10! You got that right! Android Q is now officially called Android 10. Bringing a ton of fixes and improvements, Android 10 … Continue reading GEEKONIC: ANDROID 10

Tech Trends 2019
In today’s rapidly modernising world, technology is assisting us in innumerable ways to create sustainable futures with enhanced degrees of comfort. Here’s presenting some innovations which took the world by storm in the past year: … Continue reading Tech Trends 2019

The Universe is an enigma that may never be completely understood. It’s strange and never-ending mysteries have eluded scientists for decades. However, we may now have discovered something that has the potential to answer them … Continue reading DARK MATTER AND DARK ENERGY

From experience, humans have learnt that nature is the first place to look for a solution when stuck in a problem. The processes and designs which work seamlessly in nature should work for artificial systems … Continue reading Bionics