Ever heard your parents rave about all the restaurants they have been going to for years? Here is your chance to catch up with them. The following restaurants give you every reason to modify your … Continue reading Legendary Eateries in Mumbai→
Tbh, whether you’re 15, 25 or 45 there’s always going to be a couple of people who’ve always got some quirky counselling ventures to conduct with you. Unfortunately, it’s usually that ‘couple’ of people that you can’t ignore. … Continue reading How to avoid unnecessary life lessons from your Parents→
It’s only Wednesday and you are already wrung out? Worry not. Groove out to these psychedelic videos guaranteed to give you an instant giddy high and pick you right up. So turn the volume up, … Continue reading Psychedelic music videos→
Being a fan of thrillers myself, I know how much depends on perfect endings and perfect crimes. Be it unmasking the culprit, solving a mystery or the murders involved and believe it or not, flagrant … Continue reading Ways to get away with murder→
If you’ve ever found yourself cluelessly hanging out with people referring to Manga and Japanese jargon that you don’t understand, then this article is just for you and all the others who haven’t had childhoods … Continue reading Recommends: Anime for novices→
“Why does every odd number have the letter ‘E’ in its name?” “If my milk expires on April’s fools, is it really expired?” “What about that weird voice in your head, the one you’re reading … Continue reading Recommends: Creative ways to kill time.→