Blood. Red blood cells, White blood cells, Platelets. Basic terms everyone has heard of. ‘Blood is used to carry oxygen to different parts of the body’, 5th graders read off their textbook. And then there … Continue reading Blood Donation Camp

Blood. Red blood cells, White blood cells, Platelets. Basic terms everyone has heard of. ‘Blood is used to carry oxygen to different parts of the body’, 5th graders read off their textbook. And then there … Continue reading Blood Donation Camp
Wednesday, October 11, marked the installation of the student chapter of Fire and Safety Association of India in Sardar Patel Institute of Technology. This, being the first student chapter of its kind in the whole … Continue reading FSAI-SPIT Installation
E-Cell’s RUMINATE brought 2 days of fun and frolic to SPIT, as the first years took over. 12 events, and all organized by SPIT’s youngest students, the events were as big, unique and as successful … Continue reading RUMINATE
“Your job in a world of intelligent machines is to keep making sure they do what you want, both at the input (setting the goals) and at the output (checking that you got what you … Continue reading WIE AND IEEE TALK – BRINGING IN THE FUTURE
E CELL and IEEE SPIT collaborated to bring to the students of SPIT a session with Mr.Ankit Mehra (CEO, GyanDhan-An education financing company) on the 6th of October. Mr.Ankit, an alumnus of IIT Kanpur, … Continue reading GyanDhan: Talk about careers and future
As people across the country celebrated the 9 days of Navratri with full fanfare, the Student Council of SPIT too organized a glorious Garba night. The fun and frolic event of Garba night commenced in … Continue reading Garba Night 2017
Every technical festival is sure to have events which are innovative, engaging and hence attract a huge participation. The ‘Featured events’ are the most-awaited and widely attended events of all in the Matrix. Here are … Continue reading Featured Events- Matrix 2k17
The two days of Matrix were filled with a plethora of events differing in the level of challenge offered. While there were fun events, the championship events provided the challenge and competition that would create … Continue reading Championship Events-Matrix 2k17
The test of enjoyment is the remembrance which it leaves behind. -Logan Pearsall Smith Along with having fun, certain games require skill and strategies, one must learn to play smart in order to prevail. … Continue reading Fun Events – Matrix 2k17 (Part 2)
“We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun” –Winnie the Pooh. Along with enjoyment, Matrix 2k17 provided students with memories that were worth a lifetime. Living up to their … Continue reading Fun Events – Matrix 2k17 (Part 1)