The CSI committee of Sardar Patel Institute Of Technology organized a webinar on Hackathons on 20th September. On the dais were the alumni of the college- Siddhesh Jadhav ,winner of Smart India Hackathon, Bhavya Meghnani, winner of HackAsia and Darshan Patil, also the winner of HackAsia.
Darshan gave insights on the importance of time distribution in hackathons and advised beginners to use the allotted time smartly to ace any hackathon. When asked about the importance of a team in a hackathon, all three of them laid stress on selecting a team with people having specializations in different tech stacks. Siddhesh also spoke about how going with a different team in every hackathon gave him an opportunity to work with many people. They also spoke about the essence of developing a good rapport with the mentor because a mentor’s advice is very important to excel in a hackathon.

While sharing their experiences, Siddhesh narrated his experience at the Smart India Hackathon. He spoke about their problem statement and the solution built by his team which led them to victory at the hackathon. Bhavya spoke about how much he has learned from hackathons, be it new technologies or some basic aspects of life such as team-work.
Later they talked about how hackathons have taken a virtual turn in the current situation and inspired the audience to utilize their time wisely and participate in these virtual hackathons. The audience also raised questions whether participating in hackathons gives an edge during placements to which they answered that hackathons bring value to one’s resume and post Covid-19, recruiters will look for hackathons on resumes.

“The webinar was very successful as the audience was engaged right from the start to the end. Our aim was to give some clarity of what happens in a hackathon and the panellists did a commendable job”,said Kushal Shah, a member of CSI-SPIT.
Photography by: Gaurav Parulekar