Fuelling Your Imagination (F.Y.I.), was the event of E-Summit conducted by E-Cell aimed at introducing the participants to the world of entrepreneurship via their creativity alongside the art of pitching. With more than 30 teams having participated, the participants were given an object 90 minutes prior to the competition and were expected to come up with a distinctive modification for the same in order to benefit the society. In the competition, each team was allotted three minutes to put forth their idea and pitch it to the panel of judges comprising of Mr. Siddhant Sharma, Mr. Piyush Mishra, and Prof. Abhishek Salunkhe.
One of the many strikingly brilliant ideas was that of a bicycle modified to have suspenders instead of support wheels on either side along with a gyroscope sensor attached to it which senses the tilt angle of the bicycle and gives the sensor a stimulation to suspend itself, providing a cushioning effect that would prevent injuries. The top three teams were awarded cash prizes.

“The purpose of this event was to introduce the first-year students to the technicalities of a business competition, which would act as a stepping stone for them to get involved in similar events. Many of them came up with detailed business models which made an impression on the judges,” says Samveg Shah, a member of the organizing team.
A report by Trisha Shishodiya