The Electronics Student Association of Sardar Patel Institute of Technology organized an informative and helpful session named ‘Guidance Forum 2.0’ on 22nd January 2022. It was conducted online via Google Meet and was open to the second-year students of the ETRX and EXTC branches.

The agenda behind the event was to inculcate a sense of understanding and solve the confusion that was created on the introduction of a mini project in the 4th semester for the second-year student. The speakers for this session were third-year students of the electronics branch of Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Prabhat, and Jenil Dave. They shared their prior experience and expertise and explained the entire process from how to choose an adequate topic for the mini-project to the execution of the project. The session ended with a QnA round, where the participants put in their doubts and queries regarding the different aspects of the project.

The main objective for conducting the session was to help students select from the various domains like Microcontrollers, Analog circuit, IoT, VLSI, etc for their project, to clear doubts regarding what type of projects should be done, and to provide students with a tentative timeline regarding how long a specific type of project will take and to give them tips to manage it.
“The Guidance Forum 2.0 organized by ESA was regarding the mini-project that was to be done in the span of 6 months in the sem IV. It was a lucrative session wherein all the seniors discussed the hacks from the topic selection to how to go about with the project. It gave us great insights about the approach and the execution of the project.”
– Tanisha Kalathi (Head of Event – Electronics Student Association)
– A report by Nikita Maria Joby