Treks are organized at the beginning of every academic year at S.P.I.T. They’re the perfect getaway during monsoons and an effective icebreaker for the newest members of our college. Here’s how the various committees initiated the first years into S.P.I.T , with the first of many trips to come.

IEEE, IETE and ESA conducted their monsoon trek to Visapur on 24th August. Seated on a lush green plateau, the Visapur Fort is a very popular destination for adventure seekers as well as nature lovers. The students started their bus journey early in the morning with breakfast and games. At the starting point, the weather was ideal for a trek. The path to the fort was filled with energy and eagerness as the students were amazed by the surrounding beauty and were excited to reach the top. However strenuous the path might be, the enthralling view was what kept everyone going. Upon reaching the top, after three hours of sincere effort, it was finally time to reap the harvest. The trekkers were rewarded with breathtaking sights, chilling weather, and a delicious lunch. Cameras captured the scenic beauty and the contentment on all their faces. The students then began their descent, tired but with newly made friendships and minds filled with memories.
“It was worth the effort and I hope IEEE continues to meet expectations throughout the year,” says Arnav Chaudhari, IEEE Head of Marketing.

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks”, and this definitely does not imply all the physical exhaustion that one experiences after a trek. The FACE-CSI trek to Kothaligad Fort, scheduled on 17th August, marked an adventurous beginning to a forthcoming and equally demanding year of engineering for the first years. Rocky terrain, lush greenery, cascading waterfalls and a group of enthusiastic trekkers best describes the trek. They slipped, they fell, but nevertheless, they persevered. Finally, after a relentless 3-hour long climb they summited and were greeted by a mesmerising view, a befitting reward for all the hard work.
“It was a really special experience. Definitely worth the effort. I remember feeling extremely proud on reaching the summit”, said Shivam Bhat from FE Computers.
The trek indeed succeeded in facilitating a healthy senior-junior interaction and created a collection of memories that shall be cherished for long.
ITSA trek

A group of 96 students from Sardar Patel Institute of Technology visited Irshalgad Fort, a beautiful and scenic fortress’ ruin ensconced between the hill ranges of Matheran and Panvel on Saturday, 24th August. The journey started off from the S. P. I. T entrance and reached the base village of Irshalwadi after a snack-filled drive where the students were treated to a scrumptious breakfast of Misal Pav and a welcome torrent of heavy rains. The hike started with a round of introductions and the trekkers were treated to a sea of greenery all around and the huge expanse of the Morbe dam stretching beyond their eyes. Guided by a group of professional trekkers, sipping on refreshing lemon juice, enjoying the lush green hills and the intoxicating air, they reached the pinnacle base. After a slippery stretch of land, the realization of this nature’s gift dawned upon them when they reached the highest point allowed. The treacherous pinnacle of Irshalgad is closed during the monsoon and cannot be climbed without a harness. After a quick lunch and lots of photographs, the climb down was quick and fun as they reached the base camp by 6 and devoured bowls of hot noodles and enjoyed a delightful dance in the darkness by fireflies. Everyone reached their homes exhausted but still high on enthusiasm and thanked the IT Students Association (ITSA) for the amazing trek.
A report by Shashank Gupta, Neha Lakhani and Rucha Nargunde