Smartphones have become an extension of human hands. Without them, no work of ours gets done. While smartphones have become necessities for a lot of people, there still are people, especially in developing countries, who … Continue reading KaiOS

What ignites SP
Smartphones have become an extension of human hands. Without them, no work of ours gets done. While smartphones have become necessities for a lot of people, there still are people, especially in developing countries, who … Continue reading KaiOS
Imagine the most physical of contact sports where 2 teams, each consisting of 15 players, use an oval-shaped ball on a rectangular field with huge H-shaped goalposts at each end; each game compressed in 80 … Continue reading AYNTKA- RUGBY UNION
The Indian festive season is in full swing and the festival of Navratri invariably brings with it a lot of joy and celebration among various ethnic groups. Navratri is a Nine day festival celebrating the … Continue reading Garba and Dandiya Night
Every year the Rotaract Committee of S.P.I.T. flags off the year by conducting a formal Installation. The event marks the handing over of the baton by the previous Core Committee to the incoming Core Committee. … Continue reading Rotaract Installation Ceremony
The “Big Tech” wield a lot of power these days; they are some of the most valuable companies in the world but it’s easy to forget how quick and meteoric their rises have been. But … Continue reading The Big Tech and the Antitrust
The world witnesses new campaigns very often. Some have positive impacts like the LGBTQ movement and steps against climate change, but some movements seem to reverse mankind’s advancement. One such movement is the Anti-Vaccine Movement. … Continue reading AYNTKA: The Anti-Vaccine Movement
“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.” ~Sherlock Holmes How many times have you been surprised by how accurate your intuition was? The ability to understand instinctively the … Continue reading SPark Recommends: How To Become A Psychic (Or Pretend To Be One)
The newest version of Android OS is finally here. Presenting to you, Android 10! You got that right! Android Q is now officially called Android 10. Bringing a ton of fixes and improvements, Android 10 … Continue reading GEEKONIC: ANDROID 10
The world is a convoluted place. Bringing about positive change is one of the biggest dreams for humanity. While some feel monetary or political power are essential in this pursuit, they tend to forget that the most … Continue reading Teachers’ Day Celebration
Google defines a conspiracy theory as “a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event.” But it’s much more than that, isn’t it? It’s this weird amalgamation of irrationality, fear, … Continue reading Bizarre Conspiracy Theories To Keep You Up All Night