When it comes to jobs, the popular opinion is that your skills reign supreme. Sure they do but is that all that matters? In order to excel one also needs to possess other interpersonal skills. … Continue reading Activity based learning (ABL)

What ignites SP
When it comes to jobs, the popular opinion is that your skills reign supreme. Sure they do but is that all that matters? In order to excel one also needs to possess other interpersonal skills. … Continue reading Activity based learning (ABL)
If you carry your childhood with you, you never become old.” It’s the early 2000s. The day starts with rushing to the playground. Your friends are waiting for you. You play until you hear … Continue reading Football Agility, Volleyball and Lagori
“The measure of life is not in its duration, but it’s donation.” This Diwali season, Oculus 2k19, in association with Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust, organised ‘Cleaning For The Better’, a donation drive for clothes and … Continue reading Oculus donation drive
If you look at history, innovation does not come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect.Convening the unorthodox inventors and problem solvers of today, IEEE, SPIT organized … Continue reading IEEE Project Innovation Challenge
Linux is certainly an exception to the rule- “Nothing in life comes for free.” Even then, Linux is no mug when it comes to performance and reliability. This is because of the way this operating … Continue reading LINUX WORKSHOP BY IETE
We often only realize how privileged we are when we see the daily struggles of the less fortunate. The second week of October saw the Rotaract Committee of SPIT bring forth its initiative, the Joy … Continue reading Rotaract’s gift to SPIT : The Joy Of Giving Week
We as Engineers are the creators of tomorrow, as we are tasked with achieving one of the most important goals of humanity: advancement in technology. In doing so, more often than not we exploit the Laws … Continue reading
In crowded 9 A.M. trains, in your classroom hidden below a desk, or even in your own house. People are seen burying their heads into their mobiles and clicking away at games like piano … Continue reading AYNTKA: HYPER-CASUAL GAMES
Hello “Conquerors” of the Virtual Reality
Are you already caught up in the PUBG craze? Or were you one of the runners of Pokémon Go the last year? Do you cringe when you see someone playing Candy Crush Saga instead of listening to Eminem diss MGK?
“Video games are bad for you? That’s what they said for rock-n-roll”
–Shigeru Miyamoto
Pull your game face on and get your name on that leaderboard.
While this genre encompasses all the “beat the bad guys” story modes, it depends on the player to customize his/her propensity. You can use stealth, melee, guns or just survive till everyone else goes to the literal hell.
Shooting: – PUBG, PUBG and more of the same
Stealth: – Try the latest Hitman (Square Enix) and relive the life of the famous assassin, if you can.
Mortal Kombat X and Shadow Fight 3 are great if you are a sucker for good graphics. ?
In these classic games of the 90s gen, you could command your way to the candy. A heaven for geeks and nerds. Ready Player One!!
Or the pixelated graphics of Mario and Bounce are more to your liking?
Try out the modern adaptations of these on your phones and get addicted to this instead of going to Canada.
Recommended: – While Pokémon Go still rules the charts,
Harry Potter, Game of Thrones &
The Walking Dead fans have
a lot to celebrate as they enter the respective universes to make their own journey.
Homo Sapiens have started to learn from simulations. Everything from nuclear/chemical reactions to drug testing is now tested in a virtual world.
Experiment Augmented and Virtual Reality on a never-seen-before scale. Design your homes, learn to drive a vehicle or manage a city/farm/anything you wish for!!
Recommended: – Jurassic World fans can try building their own dinosaur hellhole.
Devices like “Oculus” Rift are in vogue at present and will give you a real-world perspective to other game genres.
This is everyone’s favorite. RPG stands for Role-Playing Games. You get to interact with other players in MMORPGs (Massively Online RPGs) or you can just play by yourself, escaping into another universe.
Modern RPG games feature non-linear gameplay, where you can choose your own way to complete the quest.
Play as your favorite Star Wars character or hunt for gold in the Dungeon Hunter series. Want some cool graphics and adventure? Play Grand Theft Auto and join a huge community.
Pick your brains out and try to beat the machine. Chess, war simulations, paradoxes and the famously popular Clash of Clans all find shelter in this category.
Play the age-old River Crossing games or try out Cube Escape Paradox without taking help. Math whizzes must play 2048, and I hate to admit that Candy Crush also gives its address as a Puzzle game!
The world needs to be more fun and interesting while we simultaneously run in the cliched rat race. The universe of video games Is an ever-widening portal for delivering that adrenaline rush.
With the Indian festive season in full swing, the festival of Navratri invariably brings a lot of joy. In present day, Navratri is a national celebration participated in by devout Indians all over the world. … Continue reading A night like no other