Tbh, whether you’re 15, 25 or 45 there’s always going to be a couple of people who’ve always got some quirky counselling ventures to conduct with you. Unfortunately, it’s usually that ‘couple’ of people that you can’t ignore. … Continue reading How to avoid unnecessary life lessons from your Parents→
From the Ubuntu Operating system used on the computers in your college right down to the Android smartphone you are most likely reading this article on, all are based on the Linux kernel. Here’s all … Continue reading AYNTKA: LINUS TORVALDS→
It is hard to bind a curious young mind to a 9-5 job. Taking that idea forward, E-Cell organized a workshop for Student Entrepreneurship Development on 8th Sept. The session commenced as Mr. Gaurav Mishra … Continue reading Navayuvak : Startup Seminar→
Following two enriching seminars on higher education and entrepreneurship, E Cell SPIT debuted its premier fun event, Who’s got game?, on the 11th of September. Darts Wouldn’t it be a great idea to be able … Continue reading Who’s got game ? : E-Cell’s Fun Initiative→
They say, “Life is more fun if you play games,” and TechRace 2018 was nothing if not fun. When you combine the excitement to travel and discover with the need to think laterally, what you … Continue reading TechRace 2k18→
In today’s ever-changing society, the lines between fact and fiction seem to be ever blurring and technology is advancing faster than ever before. One of these advancements, Genetic Modification, has shown us endless possibilities and … Continue reading GEEKONIC- GENETIC MODIFICATION→
Today, Engineering is one of the most rewarding professions with immense opportunities for the development of an individual and society as a whole. But, only theoretical and limited practical knowledge in the field are definitely … Continue reading IEEE Orientation→
It was just another Monday morning before ESA (Electronics Students Association) announced their Workshop on IoT (Internet of Things). Everyone had heard this 3-word term but the seminar was on discovering the depths of IoT. … Continue reading Internet of Things: A seminar by ESA.→
On the account of teacher’s day on 5th September 2018, the members of the student council organized a special event for our dear teachers.The event commenced at 4:30 in room no 008. The host, Jaswant … Continue reading Teacher’s Day→