If you’ve ever found yourself cluelessly hanging out with people referring to Manga and Japanese jargon that you don’t understand, then this article is just for you and all the others who haven’t had childhoods … Continue reading Recommends: Anime for novices→
“We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.” ~ Stephen Hawking Stephen William Hawking … Continue reading Stephen Hawking – Traveller of the Cosmos→
In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court of India has passed the right to “passive euthanasia”, providing people with the right to die with dignity. This ruling, which permits terminally ill patients to deny life … Continue reading AYNTKA : The right to die with dignity→
“Udaan is one of the most anticipated cultural fests around the city and this year, it raised the bar. Right from fun events like Mehfil-E-Udaan to Casino, Udaan excelled in maintaining the fun and … Continue reading UDAAN 2018: Fun Events→
Mr and Miss Udaan Every SPITian has dreamt at least once to be crowned Mr and Miss Udaan! It’s not just a beauty pageant. One requires the right mix of personality, charisma, creativity and the … Continue reading UDAAN 2018: Performing Arts→
SILENT DISCO Excitement was in the air as the first poster of Mumbai’s largest silent disco was unleashed on the 24th January 2018. The event held at the Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, on the 16th … Continue reading Udaan Nights→
With the start of 2018, preparations for the S.P.I.T cultural college fest, Udaan began. Laughter and excitement were in the air and so was the stress of a successful fest. To kick off the fest, … Continue reading Udaan 2018: Pre-events→
You did an internship almost every semester. How did you get those and what did you learn from them? My family cannot afford a vacation. I had a bad CGPA. I knew that the only … Continue reading Abhijit Zimare→
“The five S’s of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit.” – Ken Doherty Apart from hosting a slew of outdoor activities, SPoorthi also had a … Continue reading Spoorthi 2018 (Part 3)→