Rose-Tinted Glasses

[To wear rose-tinted glasses: To assume an unduly optimistic and cheerful attitude; to focus solely or primarily on the positive aspects of something] “It’s not that easy. You won’t understand, not when you have those rose tinted glasses on.” “Why don’t you put them on too? Why don’t you try mine and … Continue reading Rose-Tinted Glasses

Self-Driving Cars

Imagine yourself driving down the road, when all of a sudden a big SUV cuts you off without a warning, putting you at risk to a major accident. You, however, are busy reading your news-feed to … Continue reading Self-Driving Cars

New Year Ideas

Is it that time of the year again when you’re pointlessly scrolling down your Facebook newsfeed and replying to “Happy new year” messages (and now GIFs), when everyone around seems a little too excited and … Continue reading New Year Ideas

Weekend Getaways

Assignments, submissions, deadlines, still haunt your holiday nights? You need a breath of fresh air, a breath of freedom, a break from the black and white monotony of everyday life. You, my friend, need to … Continue reading Weekend Getaways

Christmas Ideas

December the season of joy, festivities and good times is upon us and sacred family traditions are honoured as family members get together from near and far to spend quality time with each other. The … Continue reading Christmas Ideas

Mental Health

Society is like a giant creature that dictates how the world functions. And if such an entity endorses wrong ideas, an entire generation risks crashing. Mental health is the emotional and psychological well-being of a … Continue reading Mental Health