Pitch Hunt 2023: A Fusion of Innovation, Problem Solving and Inspiration

“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.”

Arthur Conan Doyle

On the clock’s stroke at 5:00 p.m., the vibrant atmosphere of S.P.I.T College buzzed with anticipation as Pitch Hunt 2023 kicked off. This year’s event was hosted in two locations, the elegant SPJMR Auditorium and the dynamic 008 Seminar Hall. The judging panel included notable guests A, B, C, D, and E, each bringing their unique insights. Judges A, B, and C presided over the presentations at SPJMR Auditorium, while Judges D and E evaluated pitches at the 008 Seminar Hall. The students arrived dressed formally, reflecting their eagerness to engage in a night of problem-solving and innovation.

The competition began at 5:15 p.m. with the introduction of the rules. In an unconventional twist, teams were provided with newspapers and tasked with identifying problem statements from them. The challenge was to demonstrate practical problem-solving skills, underscoring the importance of identifying real-world issues as the initial step toward creating a solution.

Each team had approximately 40 minutes to brainstorm and fine-tune their ideas before presenting them to the judges. The 90-second time limit for presentations was chosen Because, In the real world, time is money. Explaining an idea in the minimum possible time is a skill that must be possessed. Teams explored a wide array of topics, from parenting and politics to food and fitness.

Throughout their presentations, they showcased their oratory skills, quick thinking, and financial awareness. Innovation was at the forefront, with teams offering visionary solutions to the problems they had identified.

The judges listened attentively and posed thought-provoking questions. Their inquiries challenged the teams to think critically about the relevance and feasibility of their ideas. It was a journey of intellectual exploration where the judges, like mentors, guided the participants toward a deeper understanding of the innovation process. For the audience, this event was no less than an experience that would help them understand many different viewpoints and ideas coming from different people.

In the words of a participant, “Pitch Hunt was more than a competition; it was a transformative experience, where we got to know the confidence that was inside us, I didn’t expect that I would be able to give such a performance in front of judges and the audience. Even if I didn’t win the competition, it was truly an amazing experience which was worth it.”

As the event concluded, the judges provided valuable advice, encouraging participants to expand their horizons, be creative, make imaginative solutions practical, and think outside the box.

– A Report by Vishwesh Nair