The Rotaract Club of S.P.I.T. was part of a novel initiative by AIESEC -the world’s largest youth organization which focuses on empowering young people. The AIESEC India initiative that made it to Guinness World Records was the World’s Largest Lesson program, organised all over the country. It was spread across 27 cities, 60,000+ students, 250 schools and 5000 volunteers. The aim was to reach out to as many students as possible, who will one day be responsible citizens of the country. It was to spread awareness among these students, so they make conscious and wise choices leading to a more sustainable world for every one of us.
“Events like this will help us to reach out to a lot more people which will help them set a particular goal for themselves to achieve in playing their part towards making the World more Sustainable and also understanding the various factors affecting global goals.”
Vedant Sapte, Chairperson of Rotract Club S.P.I.T.
Many students from S.P.I.T., under their Rotaract Club, volunteered to deliver lessons to children in the city. On 9th August, they reached Bombay Cambridge School, Andheri West to do their part in the program while thousands of other volunteers were deployed across the nation. The key topics tackled by the volunteers focused on global problems like poverty and environmental crisis, with special importance given to gender inequality.

The kids were educated in an interactive manner with efficient groups of 5 volunteers in each class. To boost morale and build enthusiasm in the students they were shown a motivational video by AISEC themselves. As the session proceeded, the volunteers encouraged the children to write and express their ideas for a better world. Tapping into the young minds, a variety of intriguing ideas were put forth, demonstrating what the kids were capable of, with the right guidance. It proved to be an enriching experience for everyone involved.
UNICEF also collaborated with AISEC to make sure the event was a great success. The Rotaract Club of S.P.I.T. collaborated with AISEC Mumbai for this event. With broad smiles and bright minds, the day was fun for the kids and satisfying for the volunteers.

Report by Sahil Sawant and Ojasa Chitre