India’s telecom sector is battling brutal price competition and struggling with unsustainable levels of financial stress. Its debt stands at around Rs 4.60 trillion. However, the total sectoral liability is nearly Rs 8 trillion. This … Continue reading AYNTKA: Indian Telecom Sector’s Debt→
The 1st of October witnessed the first ever referendum to vote for the independence of the previously autonomous Catalonia region. About 2.5 million Catalans turned up for voting and the voting poll was conducted despite … Continue reading AYNTKA: Catalonian Independence Referendum→
There’s a lot of things that need to change. One specifically? Police brutality. – Colin Kaepernick Born to a white mother and black father and raised by white adoptive parents, Colin Kaepernick was the … Continue reading AYNTKA- Take the Knee Movement→
Having recently completed 40 years of the space voyage, the twin-Voyager space probes are a testament of what creativity, passion and scientific ingenuity can achieve. For space probes that were launched at a time when … Continue reading AYNTKA : The Twin-Voyager Space Probes→
Aurora had but newly chased the night, And purpled o’er the sky with blushing light. -JOHN DRYDEN, Palamon and Arcite The sun splatters a million colors onto the sky and the scenic landscape that follows ensures … Continue reading AYNTKA : Aurora Borealis→
The ugly turn of events at several rallies in US this year highlighted the increasing stress between right and left-wing activists. The peace at protests is not only threatened by white supremacists, but also by … Continue reading AYNTKA : Antifa→
“I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary”, quoted by this South-African born genius, billionaire, engineer, inventor and pretty much almost Iron-man, is an inspiration for countless of entrepreneurs today. … Continue reading AYNTKA : Elon Musk→