IEEE + WIE Orientation

IEEE is not just a college committee, it’s a community, and it’s the largest network of engineers worldwide. It is concerned with not only technical development but also helps in all-round growth by organising various fun events.

The orientation commenced with Prof.Dayanand Ambavade, Mentor, IEEE-SPIT Student Committee giving general details about IEEE as an International Organisation, its structure and various advantages which could be availed as a member of IEEE.
Then Saish Desai, former Chairman, IEEE-SPIT, and Prachi Pedhambkar, former PR Head, IEEE-SPIT,  shared their experience of being a part of IEEE-SPIT and gave a brief description of the events that they conducted during the previous academic year.

It was amazing to see the room filled with enthusiastic juniors. I remember being in their position a few years back. Being a part of the committee gave me a chance to interact with the senior professors and students from other colleges. It also helps to build your resume which is an advantage during the placements.” ~
Prachi Pedhambkar, Former PR Head, IEEE-SPIT

It was followed by Prof.K.T. Talele, Chairman, Student Affairs (Bombay Section) who emphasized on the participation of the students in IEEE and also described the potential of IEEE-SPIT. He believes that it has the power to grow up to be a great organisation which would facilitate the development of the students.
Later Dr.Prachi Gharpure, Principal,  briefed the First Years about IEEE and what’s in the store for them and what kind of exposure they could get after becoming an IEEE Member.

Shivani ShekharChairperson, IEEE-WIE gave details about WIE and how it is the perfect platform to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical fields. The purpose of the orientation was to make First Years aware about the array of benefits that IEEE and WIE can offer.

WIE is an organisation for women but the events organised are open to all. Every female student should be a member of WIE to realise the importance of being a part of this huge network.” ~
Saniya Santosh, Former Head of Finance, IEEE-SPIT

IEEE core was introduced towards the end and they encouraged the First Years to participate in IEEE as joining IEEE in the First Year itself will give them more time to explore their opportunities and they would be able to conduct more activities if they get active participation from First Years. They also briefed about the various events they plan to conduct during the academic year. According to them, IEEE-SPIT gets access to a lot of resources and untapped opportunities which they want the S.P.I.T IEEE members to utilise to the fullest!
They wanted to break the notion that IEEE is only limited to Electronics and EXTC, but in fact is a recognized international body for Computers and IT as well.
Hence, the seminar concluded at 6.30 pm with the First Years getting more opportunities for their bright future and gearing up for a fun time ahead.