Emergency 2018

From the judiciary, to the media. Speaking the truth in Modi’s India comes at a price. Ask any historian. Heck, ask anyone over the age of 50 today: “What was the darkest period of Indian … Continue reading Emergency 2018


The academic year started with a bang as France conquered the world, the second-year students of S.P.I.T. found themselves at a crossroads, a branching network of boulevards each different than the other. A new system … Continue reading SCOPE

E-Summit 2018

Learn. Innovate. Discover. E-Cell brought a unique opportunity to all SPITians to #UnleashtheEntrepreneurWithinThem. What could be a better start than a fusion of everyone’s love for cricket with their passion for entrepreneurship! IPL Auction  E-Summit 2018 … Continue reading E-Summit 2018