On a seemingly ordinary Friday the 13th, something extraordinary transpired on campus. The Sparks – Flicks and Chill event took place in three different rooms – 309, 409, and 609. Despite the usual hustle and … Continue reading Flicks n’ Chill 2023

On a seemingly ordinary Friday the 13th, something extraordinary transpired on campus. The Sparks – Flicks and Chill event took place in three different rooms – 309, 409, and 609. Despite the usual hustle and … Continue reading Flicks n’ Chill 2023
They say, “Life is more fun if you play games,” and TechRace 2018 was nothing if not fun. When you combine the excitement to travel and discover with the need to think laterally, what you … Continue reading TechRace 2k18
The academic year started with a bang as France conquered the world, the second-year students of S.P.I.T. found themselves at a crossroads, a branching network of boulevards each different than the other. A new system … Continue reading SCOPE
Trump and his government in the US so far have not been short of controversies. One of his recent moves of making the white house employees sign a non-disclosure agreement has made the world suspicious … Continue reading What is Trump hiding from us?
With programmers being required to continuously adapt and add to their arsenal of skills, the CSI SPIT committee came up with the perfect idea for their first event of the year. Hosted in association with … Continue reading CSI Workshop : Roadmap to Android
The 1st of October witnessed the first ever referendum to vote for the independence of the previously autonomous Catalonia region. About 2.5 million Catalans turned up for voting and the voting poll was conducted despite … Continue reading AYNTKA: Catalonian Independence Referendum
As people across the country celebrated the 9 days of Navratri with full fanfare, the Student Council of SPIT too organized a glorious Garba night. The fun and frolic event of Garba night commenced in … Continue reading Garba Night 2017