“If there be any truer measure of a man than by what he does, it must be bywhat he gives.” Robert South The birth of India on the eve of Independence from the tyrannical rule … Continue reading Tatas – The Custodians of Trust in India→
Have you ever seen that, whenever you open a chat message on WhatsApp, there is a short message that says – “Messages and Calls are end-to-end encrypted.” Do you ever wonder what that means and … Continue reading Cryptography – The Art of Encryption→
Indian cricket has undergone massive changes right from the 90s. Back in the 1960s and 70s, the Indian team was considered nothing more than minnows. In fact, during the famous 1983 world cup semifinal, the … Continue reading Virat Kohli’s captaincy: A Boon or a Bane?→
Technology has advanced quite far since the last decade, and there have been multiple attempts by companies to one up the market and provide excellent cutting-edge technology. Here are a few of those attempts that … Continue reading 7 Cool Gadgets You Didn’t Know About→
An endless bridge, covered within the mystic fogs and the trees in distance. Sound of the water crashing against the rocks in the shallow depths of the river beneath. How often do we get to … Continue reading Country Roads→
Poetry, in itself, has always been a soothing idea, whether it is to read or to write. With the various forms of poetry, it is no doubt that there are countless domains to explore. However, … Continue reading National Poetry Writing Month→
“Even as I was born, my death began its walk. It is walking toward me, unhurrying.” Have you ever read a book you loved so much that it left an emptiness in your life when … Continue reading Beyond Death→
Fancy name, right? Have you ever heard about the Northern Lights? Even if the answer to this question is a no, I won’t be taken by surprise. After all, the phenomenon itself is so dreamlike … Continue reading Aurora Borealis – Dawn Of The North→
insulaphilia (n): a love of islands Even as we approached the Port Blair airport, I fell in love with the serene blue waters, stroked with sea-green as if painted in oil by a dry … Continue reading Vacation Blues→