E-Cell’s RUMINATE brought 2 days of fun and frolic to SPIT, as the first years took over. 12 events, and all organized by SPIT’s youngest students, the events were as big, unique and as successful … Continue reading RUMINATE

Android Oreo

The next version of Google’s sweet OS has finally landed and it brings to the table some new features and changes, for both users and developers. Let’s get into it. Up front, some of the … Continue reading Android Oreo


Man has always loved speed. It is like an insatiable hunger, a natural high. And nobody does it better than the guys in an F1 cockpit, whizzing around at more than 300 km/h and making … Continue reading Ready,Set,Go

Garba Night 2017

As people across the country celebrated the 9 days of Navratri with full fanfare, the Student Council of SPIT too organized a glorious Garba night. The fun and frolic event of Garba night commenced in … Continue reading Garba Night 2017