Once Mark Zuckerberg said “Ideas don’t come out fully formed, they only become clear as you work on them. You just have to get started.” E-Cell SPIT brought about the perfect opportunity for people who … Continue reading IdeaBank – A National Level Ideation Challenge
MOSTLY JEOPARDY! – Quiz type Game Show
MOSTLY JEOPARDY! as the name itself suggests, was an unlikely mixture of two very famous quiz type game shows, Jeopardy and University Challenge, organised by E-CELL SPIT. It was organised on 3rd and 4th April, … Continue reading MOSTLY JEOPARDY! – Quiz type Game Show
Oculus 2021: Technical Events
Codatron/Codatron++ Codatron presented by the Oculus Coding League was a traditional coding contest for the First years to pave a way for them to get a headstart in the world of competitive programming. A virtual … Continue reading Oculus 2021: Technical Events

CSI SE Hackathon
“The only source of knowledge is experience”.On the 6th and 7th of December 2020, for the first time in its event history, CSI-S.P.I.T. organised a virtual hackathon for the SEs with the above quote as … Continue reading CSI SE Hackathon
ACE Weekend Webinar Series
The third weekend of September in the online schedule of S.P.I.T. was power-packed with webinars and informative sessions. One of these was the webinar series brought by ACE Committee MCA under the guidance of Dr … Continue reading ACE Weekend Webinar Series

WIE UI/UX Designing
Design and Engineering are two closely attuned disciplines. On the 3rd Sunday of September 2020, WiE-IEEE S.P.I.T. organized a webinar on ‘UI/UX Designing’. A highly engaging and interactive session with Rahul Goradia (product designer at … Continue reading WIE UI/UX Designing