SPIT HACKATHON CSI S.P.I.T. organized the SPIT Hackathon as one of the pre-events of Oculus, the Annual Techno-Cultural Fest of S.P.I.T. However, in view of the pandemic, this year it was organized virtually. Nevertheless, the … Continue reading Oculus 2021: Pre Events
What Films And Filmmaking Taught Me About Life
Have there been times, when something that you couldn’t change was bothering you, but then, you watched a movie that your friend had recommended, and forgot what it was, that was bothering you? And suddenly, … Continue reading What Films And Filmmaking Taught Me About Life

Oculus 2021: Cultural Events
While providing a wide range of fun and tech events virtually, the cultural aspect of Oculus was not ignored. Oculus 2021 was a marvellous amalgamation of some brilliant cultural events SARGAM- JUNG SURON KI Sargam- Jung Suron … Continue reading Oculus 2021: Cultural Events
Oculus 2021: Technical Events
Codatron/Codatron++ Codatron presented by the Oculus Coding League was a traditional coding contest for the First years to pave a way for them to get a headstart in the world of competitive programming. A virtual … Continue reading Oculus 2021: Technical Events

Vacation Blues
insulaphilia (n): a love of islands Even as we approached the Port Blair airport, I fell in love with the serene blue waters, stroked with sea-green as if painted in oil by a dry … Continue reading Vacation Blues

Thrift Stores and Flea Markets To Check Out in Mumbai
This generation ostensibly cares a lot about the environment while also ensuring that their spending is within the budget. Hence a term seems to be gaining a lot of momentum in our lives. Thrifting is … Continue reading Thrift Stores and Flea Markets To Check Out in Mumbai
Clearview AI – A controversial technology
So, a while ago, I stumbled upon something called Clearview AI, a facial recognition tool that helped identify perpetrators and victims of crime. Wasn’t that cool? But I wondered how it actually worked. So, I … Continue reading Clearview AI – A controversial technology
ITSA Panel Discussion-Careers After Engineering
A committee panel discussion was witnessed by students of S.P.I.T on 7th march 2021, through the online platform of Google Meet, which was organised by ITSA. The theme of the session was to guide the … Continue reading ITSA Panel Discussion-Careers After Engineering
Ever wondered what you get at the end of the day after sitting for so long in front of the computer? With most of the work now happening online, you might need some help managing … Continue reading OPTIMISING YOUR SCREEN TIME 101

The Global Microchip Shortage
Whether we notice them or not, semiconductors are all around us. And recently, the world has been facing a semiconductor chip shortage. The delay that has mostly been affecting smartphone and automobile manufacturers has been … Continue reading The Global Microchip Shortage