SPirit: The grandest competitive fiesta Bhavan’s campus has witnessed.
The academic year of 2021-22 in SPIT saw a variety of introductions, first with the initiation of two new branches, and then with the establishment of the inaugural inter-department competition: SPirit. For the very first time, the departments got a chance to establish their dominance over the rest by competing in cultural, technical and sporting events.
For the first-year students, the cultural event of SPirit was kicked off with Freshers Night, where each first-year branch had an opportunity to come up with a dance and musical performance. Freshers night took place on the evening of the 16th of March and saw some incredible performances from all branches.
For the remaining students of SEs, TEs and BEs, the cultural event of SPirit was kicked off with the War of Branches that took place during Oculus. The long-awaited and exciting event saw all branches of SPIT compete against each other through fabulous musical dance performances. Based on their gig, the branch would be able to earn points which would push them up the SPirit leaderboard. In the end, COMPS overcame the competition to win the War of Branches for Dancing.

The next event in line for FEs was Tech Brawl, which was a cyber competition for the divisions to establish themselves as the ultimate branch for tech within the entire college. This event was a platform for all tech geeks to put their skills to the test and battle it out with their rival departments. It consisted of 3 separate rounds.
The first round was called Tech Wizards and was an elimination-based coding competition. The goal was simple – Finish in the top 10 or be eliminated. The top 10 participants from each branch were promoted to the subsequent round. The top 10 could decide amongst themselves as to the 7 who would participate in the second round and the remaining 3 who would participate in the third round.

The next round was called Ultimate Discord, which was a quiz-based interactive round. This round also allowed spectators to contribute through power cards and trivia answers, which helped raise the spirits and motivation of the participants. This round was further split into 3 rounds, each of which was worth 40 points. The rounds were: Round Robin, Race Around and First Come First Serve. Points were awarded based on the total number of correct answers.
The final round was named Logical Quest. It was a quest-based round that required participants to come up with innovative and optimal solutions to the problems that they were provided with. A total of 80 points were reserved for this round and were rewarded to the teams based on the efficiency and optimal nature of their solutions. It was COMPS B that ultimately emerged victorious in this competitive technical event.

Another event that was part of the SPirit championship for SEs, TEs, BEs and MCA was a 24-hour hackathon termed Maker’s Garage. The first round of this event was the Pre Seed round which was held on the 17th of March. It consisted of a coding+MCQ round which lasted 90 minutes. The top 2 scores from each branch were nominated as the President and Vice President which would represent the respective branch.
The second round was named The Final Hustle. It was held over 24 hours on the 2nd and 3rd of April. The President and Vice-president who were nominated in the last round were given the liberty to form a team consisting of 8 other people. According to the rules, that team had to necessarily contain one person from each year, and 3 of them had to be girls. There should also be two designers, two business analysts and four developers in each team. The department of COMPS ultimately aced the competition to win the hackathon.
The final activity of SPirit was sports, which was held between the 2nd to 17th of April. It was split into two parts, one for the FEs and the other for SEs, TEs and BEs. A total of 5 different sports competitions were held for both which included football, cricket, volleyball, throwball and relay races. All of these events were held on the SPCE and Bhavan’s sports grounds.
The winning teams for Cricket, Football, Throwball and Volleyball were awarded 50 points each. The winning teams for the relay races were awarded 25 points each. The winners of Football and Volleyball were EXTC and MCA respectively, while COMPS clinched the victory in Throwball and Cricket.
Over the course of these competitions, the college got to witness exceptional performances from all the participating students. It also highlighted the varied talent that students from all branches possessed and exhibited. The competitions were intense and fierce, but in the end, only one branch could be the winner. It was the branch of COMPS which prevailed among all. Their knowledge, skills and teamwork helped them in getting crowned as the winners of the inter-departmental competition and establish themselves in the history of SPIT as the winners of the inaugural SPirit Championship.