An endless bridge, covered within the mystic fogs and the trees in distance. Sound of the water crashing against the rocks in the shallow depths of the river beneath. How often do we get to … Continue reading Country Roads

What ignites SP
An endless bridge, covered within the mystic fogs and the trees in distance. Sound of the water crashing against the rocks in the shallow depths of the river beneath. How often do we get to … Continue reading Country Roads
Once Mark Zuckerberg said “Ideas don’t come out fully formed, they only become clear as you work on them. You just have to get started.” E-Cell SPIT brought about the perfect opportunity for people who … Continue reading IdeaBank – A National Level Ideation Challenge
MOSTLY JEOPARDY! as the name itself suggests, was an unlikely mixture of two very famous quiz type game shows, Jeopardy and University Challenge, organised by E-CELL SPIT. It was organised on 3rd and 4th April, … Continue reading MOSTLY JEOPARDY! – Quiz type Game Show
SPOORTHI- VOLLEYBALL The volleyball tournament was conducted on 20th march 2021 on the grounds of Sardar Patel Institute of Technology. A good amount of participation was seen in this event by the students of S.P.I.T. … Continue reading SPOORTHI 2021
Poetry, in itself, has always been a soothing idea, whether it is to read or to write. With the various forms of poetry, it is no doubt that there are countless domains to explore. However, … Continue reading National Poetry Writing Month
“Even as I was born, my death began its walk. It is walking toward me, unhurrying.” Have you ever read a book you loved so much that it left an emptiness in your life when … Continue reading Beyond Death
Fuelling Your Imagination (F.Y.I.), was the event of E-Summit conducted by E-Cell aimed at introducing the participants to the world of entrepreneurship via their creativity alongside the art of pitching. With more than 30 teams … Continue reading E-Cell’s Fuelling Your Imagination
THE GRAND IPL AUCTION Oculus has never failed to surprise anyone. Full of fun events, it brings together people not only from S.P.I.T, but also from colleges far and wide over this entire country. One … Continue reading Oculus Fun Events
Stand-Up 14th March 2021, there surely couldn’t have been a day filled with more exuberance and anticipation for the SPITians. For the first time, a college in India could pull off a hybrid Stand-up event … Continue reading Oculus 2021: Pronites
Fancy name, right? Have you ever heard about the Northern Lights? Even if the answer to this question is a no, I won’t be taken by surprise. After all, the phenomenon itself is so dreamlike … Continue reading Aurora Borealis – Dawn Of The North